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Tu sei qui: Eurosportello Enterprise Europe Network Eventi EEN ARCHIVIO eventi anni precedenti archivio eventi EEN 2015 eventi locali 2015 (seminari, giornate informative...) 29 ottobre 9-10:30 Webinar Indonesia - le potenzialità del mercato e le strategie di ingresso
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29 ottobre 9-10:30 Webinar Indonesia - le potenzialità del mercato e le strategie di ingresso

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pubblicato il 06/10/2015 14:15, ultima modifica 09/10/2015 11:29

L’Eurosportello di Ravenna ed Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna, in collaborazione con EIBN- EU Indonesia Business Network, organizzano un webinar per illustrare le opportunità di business del mercato indonesiano. Si potrà partecipare all’evento presso la sede di Unioncamere a Bologna oppure collegandosi al webinar tramite un link che verrà fornito dopo l’iscrizione. Partecipazione gratuita - Programma all'interno.

29 ottobre  9-10:30 Webinar Indonesia - le potenzialità del mercato e le strategie di ingresso

  • Evento EEN
  • Webinar
Quando 29/10/2015
dalle 09:00 alle 10:30
Dove Bologna/Unioncamere - in azienda postazione PC
Persona di riferimento Pina Macrì
Indirizzo e-mail per contatti
Recapito telefonico per contatti 0544 - 481414
Partecipanti Aziende, imprenditori, consulenti
Aggiungi l'evento al calendario vCal

La partecipazione è gratuita previa iscrizione e compilazione della relativa scheda entro il 27 ottobre 2015 al link:

L’evento rientra nell’ambito delle attività della rete Enterprise Europe Network

Info: Pina Macrì
0544 -481414

 Circolare dell'evento




09.00 – 09.20  Country Presentation - Economic growth, Consumption Patterns, Industry Outlook 
09.20 – 09.40 Focus on Healthcare, including a general assessment of registered companies’ business opportunity 
09.40 - 09.50 Q&A - Reply questions
09.50 – 10.10 Focus on Agribusiness, including a general assessment of registered companies’ business opportunity 
10.10 - 10.20 Q&A - Reply questions
10.20 - 10.30 Conclusion and remarks

Nell’ultimo decennio l’economia indonesiana si è sviluppata notevolmente consentendo al Paese di diventare una potenza regionale e una delle 10 economie più sviluppate a livello globale nel 2014.

Nel corso dell’evento saranno effettuati degli approfondimenti specifici per il settore healthcare e agribusiness, sarà inoltre possibile formulare domande agli esperti dell’ EU INDONESIA BUSINESS NETWORK



Indonesia’s healthcare equipment and medical device market is a promising industry with many valuable opportunities for European companies.
This is grounded in strong annual growth rates, changing demographic and consumption patterns, the implementation of the National Health Insurance System, and a lack of domestic suppliers.
However, challenges and weaknesses still remain, such as the requirement to have a local partner and the lengthy registration process. Indonesia’s healthcare equipment and medical device market has a total market value of US$1 billion with expected future annual growth rates of more than 10%.
The size of the total healthcare industry in Indonesia was US$23 billion in 2012, and is expected to double by 2020 (to US$50 billion).
The new Public Healthcare System will lead to a strong increase in the need for advanced medical devices, especially related to surgical equipment, diagnostics, and medical imaging equipment.
European companies can also exploit growing demands in health IT, health infrastructure, food and health supplements, household healthcare devices and Islamic medicines.


The Agriculture Industry / Agribusiness Sector is a complex but inevitably relevant industry in the Indonesian economy. This important role is reflected in the sector’s substantial contribution to the economy in terms of employment and GDP.
In addition to its strong domestic capacity, this sector also remains one of the main industrial development priorities set by the Indonesian government, as well as an important sector for both foreign and domestic investments.
Imports and exports of agribusiness products in 2014 amounted to USD 11.33 billion and USD 35.42 billion respectively, and are projected to reach USD 13 billion and USD 40 billion respectively in 2015.
Based on current data, the EU export value to Indonesia steadily increased; it was EUR 634 million in 2012 and EUR 678 million in 2013. Regarding agricultural food production, Indonesia has not yet reached its full potential, but is expected to become one of the world's largest food suppliers.
Indonesia has a great potential for the horticulture subsector, but arable land is still limited since there are only 32 square meters per capita for fruit and 41.1 square meters per capita for vegetables.
Most obstacles to the food crops and horticulture subsector are related to the lack of infrastructure; as of machineries, seedlings, fertilizers, as well as roads and a well built cold storage supply chain.
The Agriculture Industry remains promising, motivated by overall national growth and demographic and consumption patterns.





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